Matcha recipes
From simple drinks to sophisticated desserts, freshly-ground matcha’s umami sweetness adds depth and dimension.
Matcha Japanese Cheesecake
The smooth umami of freshly-ground matcha matches the light creaminess of a Japanese-style cheesecake.
Matcha Japanese Cheesecake
The smooth umami of freshly-ground matcha matches the light creaminess of a Japanese-style cheesecake.
Matcha steam cakes
A delectable steam cake that carries the flavors of matcha wonderfully.
Matcha steam cakes
A delectable steam cake that carries the flavors of matcha wonderfully.
Matcha mulled cider
Natural fruit sugars and with grassy subtlety in this traditional holiday beverage.
Matcha mulled cider
Natural fruit sugars and with grassy subtlety in this traditional holiday beverage.
Matcha herb panade
A vibrant and herbaceous matcha crust for white fish or other baked dishes.
Matcha herb panade
A vibrant and herbaceous matcha crust for white fish or other baked dishes.
Matcha chawan-mushi with negi
This steamed egg custard is a beautiful vessel for expressing delicate flavors such as the pleasant bitter earthiness of matcha.
Matcha chawan-mushi with negi
This steamed egg custard is a beautiful vessel for expressing delicate flavors such as the pleasant bitter earthiness of matcha.
Matcha ginger beer
Ginger’s zesty citrus and matcha’s smooth umami collide in a refreshing bittersweet explosion.
Matcha ginger beer
Ginger’s zesty citrus and matcha’s smooth umami collide in a refreshing bittersweet explosion.
Matcha hot chocolate
Umami undertones and cool whipped cream bring a springtime air to this favorite classic.
Matcha hot chocolate
Umami undertones and cool whipped cream bring a springtime air to this favorite classic.
Matcha sabayon
An aerated matcha custard, made using a French technique through a SingleThread lens.
Matcha sabayon
An aerated matcha custard, made using a French technique through a SingleThread lens.
Matcha granita
An energetic umami boost to an icy Italian breakfast treat.
Matcha granita
An energetic umami boost to an icy Italian breakfast treat.
Tofu matcha sauce
A creamy versatile matcha sauce elevated with tangy yuzu.
Tofu matcha sauce
A creamy versatile matcha sauce elevated with tangy yuzu.
SingleThread recipe collection
SingleThread is a Sonoma County restaurant-farm-inn, where the master chef borrows from Japanese culinary styles and aesthetics.
SingleThread’s internationally-renowned Chef Kyle Connaughton collaborated with Cuzen to deliver original recipes using freshly-ground matcha.