L-theanine: Matcha’s charming secret

Matcha is known for its deep roots in Japanese tradition and culture and is cherished for health benefits and calming effects. One component of matcha is L-theanine, a soothing organic compound that perfectly balances the effects of caffeine, as well as aiding the body with basic functions. Read on to learn what L-theanine is, how it promotes well-being, and how much of it is in a cup of tasty matcha.


  1. What is L-theanine?
  2. What are L-theanine’s health benefits?
  3. How much L-theanine is in matcha?

1. What is L-theanine?

L-theanine is a type of amino acid, or a building block of protein in your body that allows it to function properly. L-theanine directly affects the brain, suppressing stress hormones and naturally bringing on cozy feelings of relaxation and comfort.

Matcha leaves boast a lot of L-theanine, due to the unique conditions implemented by tea farmers. In most green tea leaves, L-theanine is transformed into catechins when exposed to sunlight. Matcha leaves are special, though. They are cultivated using a unique shading process before harvest. This results in matcha leaves that are L-theanine-rich and bursting with that umami sweetness we all savor. L-theanine is found exclusively in green tea and is especially abundant in gyokuro and kabusecha, in addition to matcha.

  • A farmer pulls a black cover over the tea plants for shading.
  • Tea leaves peak out in between covers that shade the tea plants on the farm.

2. What are L-theanine’s health benefits?

The relaxation brought on by L-theanine has a sort of ripple effect throughout the body, triggering multiple health benefits, including:

  • a relaxation effect,
  • stress reduction and anxiety relief,
  • enhanced concentration, and
  • improved sleep quality.

  • A woman reclines in a rocking chair, eyes closed, enjoying the outdoors, holding a glass of sparkling matcha.
  • Someone sits, holding a glass of iced matcha on his or her lap.

It starts when L-theanine increases alpha waves in the brain, which are associated with the meditative or restful state of mind. When these alpha waves increase and the brain relaxes, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system is suppressed (the one that regulates fight or flight responses) and helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system (the one that controls involuntary processes like breathing). When the autonomic nervous system is balanced, the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that relaxes your body after sensing danger) takes over, easing blood vessel constriction and improving blood circulation.

In other words, irritation or anxiety is often due to a disturbance in the autonomic nervous system, which in turn causes poor circulation. L-theanine helps improve blood flow, which can reduce those high-strung feelings. As any student facing an exam can tell you, reducing anxiety and stress is a great way to enhance concentration.

These benefits become self-perpetuating. When you sleep with the parasympathetic nervous system in charge, you’re less likely to stir from your sleep, which in turn leads to a deeper sleep. This deep sleep facilitates smoother recovery from fatigue and is thought to improve the quality of sleep.

This domino effect of relaxation is, according to studies, a great way to balance the less desirable effects of caffeine, such as sleeplessness and overstimulated nerves, which both cause a host of problems for your health.

3. How much L-theanine is in matcha?

The daily recommendation for L-theanine, a functional (meaning nutrient-rich) food ingredient is 200 milligrams. Some people may experience an increase in alpha waves with as little as 50 milligrams of L-theanine.

Cuzen's Premium Blend Matcha Leaf comprises only first-harvest tea leaves, which means the blend is teeming with L-theanine. A level three shot, made with Premium Blend in the Matcha Maker (equal to about two grams of matcha), contains around 50 milligrams of L-theanine.

  • A glass of iced matcha and the Matcha Maker Sumi Black, in front of a row of dark green bamboo stalks.
  • Two steamy glasses of bright green matcha with Cuzen Matcha Maker in the background.

So now that you understand the science, it’s time to relax and let L-theanine work its charm. Let your mind rest as you listen to the quiet whir of the Matcha Maker, peacefully stir your favorite matcha beverage, and engage all your senses in that first magic sip.